Brigade launches Fleet Managers’ Guide to Fleet Efficiency

Brigade Electronics has launched a new Fleet Managers’ Guide to help improve efficiency and safety within the logistics and distribution markets.

The guide, which is available as a free download, recognises the huge challenges faced by today’s fleet managers as the ongoing driver recruitment crisis combines with the implications of Britain’s withdrawal from the EU.
Extreme efficiency has never been more important, and technology-driven solutions are increasingly seen as the answer for any business looking to cut costs while maintaining excellent safety standards on the roads.
These solutions include on-board CCTV cameras and recording systems which can now be linked to cloud services, for example Brigade’s 4G service BRIDGE.
Any incidents are captured instantly, and can be used in the event of accidents, theft, vandalism or fraudulent claims. In addition, driver behaviour can be closely monitored, ensuring safety and wellbeing not just for the driver but for fellow road users too.
When coupled with cloud services, fleet managers can monitor performance in real-time, remotely. Live-streamed footage can be downloaded without ever having to access a vehicle, offering immediate resource-savings.
Emily Hardy, Marketing Manager of Brigade Electronics UK, said:
“Brexit and the pandemic have put fleet managers under pressure like never before, and the immediate issues of driver shortages and EU paperwork are a huge drain on managers’ time.
“We appreciate it can be challenging to research the many different system upgrades available on the market today. Our guide details the various problems that need addressing and explains how they can be mitigated. We’ve also included real-world scenarios and details of recent research on the impact of safety upgrades.”
According to the Health and Safety Executive, every year 70 people are killed and 2,000 seriously injured in accidents involving vehicles in and around workplaces. Safety upgrades such as camera systems that eliminate the hazards caused by blind spots around a vehicle can reduce insurance premiums while saving lives. Fraudulent ‘crash for cash’ claims can also be prevented with the help of mobile digital recorders.

Fleet managers who’ve invested in technology upgrades report increased fuel economy, thanks to improved driver awareness and ability to manoeuvre safely in even the most difficult conditions.

“It’s clear that vehicle camera systems should always be considered in the drive towards safer fleets,” added Emily. “Technology should be embraced as an opportunity for risk reduction and lower costs. We hope our Fleet Managers’ Guide will be a useful free resource for any company considering investment in this area.”

Brigade’s Fleet Managers’ Guide can be downloaded for free from here..

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