IPCA Offers a ‘Voice’ to Irelands Finest Construction Equipment Owners & Contractors


Launched in April 2020 the Irish Plant Contractors Association has seen a surge in interest and membership from businesses of all shapes and sizes, from all sectors within the construction industry and all corners of the Island of Ireland. All of whom have a common goal of working together to improve conditions, fairness, and compliance.

Acting CEO Brian Coogan said, “For an industry that employs thousands of workers, Irelands construction machinery owners and their contractors are entitled to greater representation and protection. For far too long contractors have seen margins diminish, and hirers rates fall. Yet both are under immense pressure to maintain and deliver the highest safety and operational standards, whilst loosing contracts to the practice of ‘lowball’ pricing…this has to stop”.

Under the recent Sectorial Employment Order (SEO) the cost of labour alone increased by just under 3%. With increases in carbon taxes, further downward pressure is being applied on contractors at a time of great uncertainty, which if unchallenged will undoubtedly put jobs in the industry at risk.

A general lack of Industry representation has seen an erosion of Industry standards and alas the market has seen levels of professionalism challenged by the unscrupulous, in both the public and private sector.
The result of which has seen higher material, equipment, labour, and fuel cost. With, as previously stated, a reduction in rates, margin, and standards, on projects of all size and duration.

Mr Coogan concluded, “Ireland has a rich construction, contracting and plant hire heritage. Many of today’s successful businesses date back decades and many, proudly, remain family owned. These businesses are the businesses that are being disadvantaged. Representation alas has thus far been sparce, so I wish to reassure these businesses that by joining the IPCA we will be stronger together today, with a stronger voice that will fight for the good of Irish construction”.

Membership of the IPCA is open to Contractors, sub contractors, Quarries, Plant hire, utility contractors, rental firms and equipment owners of all shapes and sizes working within the construction sector in Ireland North & South.
To find out more contact Brian Coogan: brian@irishplantcontractorsassociation.ie

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