Cat Trial Video

Cat Trial 12: No Hands shows how autonomy is coming to other industries. Our latest video features a semi-autonomous version of the Cat® 299D3 Compact Track Loader(CTL).

With its vertical lift design, this CTL delivers extended reach and lift height for quick and easy truck loading. Its standard, suspended undercarriage system provides superior traction, flotation, stability and speed to work in a wide range of applications and underfoot conditions. Check with your Cat dealer about adding a CTL to your fleet.

A semi-autonomous version of the machine was also previewed for the public and press at Cat Trial 12. Caterpillar has decades of experience with autonomy – specifically in the mining sector.

A 2020 acquisition has helped advance our experience in large mining equipment and start on a path that features new, nimble, miniaturized technology. So, while not commercially available… yet…the semi-autonomous 299D3 points to the potential Cat Command for Construction has to enhance your jobsites.

Also featured in Cat Trial 12: No Hands is former Major League Soccer player DaMarcus Beasley. Beasley played for the Chicago Fire and Houston Dynamo in addition to teams in The Netherlands, England, Scotland, Germany, and Mexico.

He is the only American man to play in four FIFA World Cups, making 126 appearances during his 16-year international career before retiring in 2019. And he wasn’t just a fantastic player, Beasley is a great ambassador for the “beautiful game.”

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