Glendun Plant Sales become CTE tracked boom lifts exclusive dealers NI & ROI

The new CTE tracked spider boom lift offers a 23m working height.

The versatile boom configuration (double pantograph, telescopic boom and jib), the compactness of the equipment and a unique capacity of 200kg make the CTE TraCCEss 230 the best ally of maintainers, pruners, installers and hirers.
A motor powered version is available (diesel or gasoline) CTE TraCCEss 230 and a lithium battery powered version 300Ah CTE TraCCEss 230E.

Thanks to its height of less than 2 m and a width of less than 80 cm, CTE TraCCEss 230 passes through standard doors and narrow entrances.

No electronic limiting device for easier use and to reduce the risk of damage. Max outreach with max basket capacity.

CTE TraCCEss 230 stabilizes in 4 different working configurations to perform working operations in perfect ergonomics. Having ground contact sensors and standard automatic stabilization, it is ideal for maintenance of parks/green areas.

CTE TraCCEss 230 remote control has three functions: command in the basket, traction control and command in the tower. It is installed in the basket console, with proportional controls of up to three simultaneous movements. Used with the strap it acts as a radio control during the shift phase; when installed on the turret it functions as a remote control.

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