How a complex jobsite became a piece of cake


What hides behind a blissful scene?

Mayotte is an island of 250,000 people that is part of the Comoros archipelago of islands off southeast Africa, is beautiful.Sandy beaches, coconut trees, one of the largest lagoons in the world… our journey here seemed perfect.

However, such perfection hides many issues that local contractors need to face, when it comes to jobsites.

importing aggregates is unthinkable as thecostis too high;
mobility is penalised by the island hilly shape;
– many places are still inaccessible.

How a complex jobsite became a piece of cake


The solution found was a Crusher Bucket BF135.8 mounted on a Doosan DX530LC.

With the excavator, they could arrive where no other machines could and crush the basalt rock slag to then use it as road sub-base.


What once was a complex worksite is now very profitable as the slag that before was considered waste is now precious material to make new roads and the excess produced is sold turning into a huge revenue source.

What once represented a difficult job to do is now a  flawless work environment, but the advantages don’t end here:

  1. The marvellous environment is preserved as the material crushed is part of the island itself;
  2. Only one machine one operator is carrying out the job, big money-saving and CO2 reduction;
  3. There is no need to move the material to process it on a plant, transport costs eliminated.

The MB Crusher jaw crusher bucketcan be mounted on any  brand of excavators from 5 tons to over 70 tons and the full range comprehend 12 models some of which can be fitted even on skid steers, loaders and backhoes.


MB Crusher provides solutions for recycling the material directly on site, with just one excavator (or loader, backhoe loader, skid steer) and one operator. With just one man and one machine you can obtain:


– aggregate;

– GSB material for road construction;

– Sub-base material for infrastructures;
– Filling material for piping;
– Soil for the maitenance of parkland farmland and woodland.


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