Bobcat E10e Electric Mini-Excavator Underground at Naples Landmark

 – E10e excavates under the St. Jerome Monumental Complex –

In the heart of Naples is an enchanting but unexplored place, the Complesso Monumentale dei Girolamini (the St. Jerome Monumental Complex), an imposing building, offering a heritage of architecture, art and culture that is waiting to be discovered simply by stepping through one of the gates in the side walls.

Built between the late sixteenth and mid-seventeenth centuries as a friary, the Complex has great historical value and can boast a vast collection of paintings and sculptures, a prestigious picture gallery, an operatic music archive, two magnificent cloisters with porticoes, and one of the most important libraries in all of Italy, with a book collection of 159,700 volumes spread throughout marvellous eighteenth-century rooms.

The Complex represents one of the most important cultural concentrations in the city of Naples, so much so that it became a National Monument in 1866.

This impressive art heritage, which has been closed to the public for many years due to enduring conservation difficulties, is currently the subject of an articulated safety and recovery intervention by Lucci Salvatore Srl, a company based in Bacoli (NA), which has been working in the construction field for more than 40 years and has acquired specific skills in the archaeological sector and in the restoration and conservation of Heritage.

E10e Electric Excavator Uncovers Treasures Under The Complex

Concurrently with the maintenance of the building, Lucci Salvatore is working on the archaeological excavation beneath the structure. This delicate intervention is uncovering a new fragment of underground Naples by bringing to light on a daily basis passages, arches and rooms that predate the construction of the building, covered and tombed with excavated material. Currently, an ancient floor has been reached and excavation is underway to find the staircase leading to the room below.

This careful and meticulous work has been carried out completely using a Bobcat E10e electric excavator, which has uncovered unimaginable environments of one of the oldest cities in the world, layered among the remains of Greek and Roman times, historical evidence of how Naples has evolved over time.

Salvatore Lucci, owner of Lucci Salvatore Srl, says: “The intervention at the Girolamini Monumental Complex and its subsoil conveys to us as much pride as it does fascination. The results achieved are possible thanks to the careful and constant work of the Bobcat E10e electric excavator without which this important intervention could not have been carried out as it is too deep to be performed manually or with less effective tools. Lucci has always relied on Bobcat, with full satisfaction and awareness of being able to count on innovative, reliable and technologically advanced means, allowing us to operate in the very delicate contexts of our core business.”

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