Enjoy high recovery rates with Edge Innovate’s mobile recycling range

Obtaining the quickest return on your capital investment depends on how quickly operators can be up and running, and the volume of commodities that an operator can recover from their waste stream. EDGE Innovate’s range of mobile solutions are tried and tested, are quick and easy to set up, require no on-site civil works, represent a low capital outlay and are proven to achieve high commodity recovery levels.

Using a combination of mechanical and manual separation, EDGE Innovate’s recycling range includes track and wheeled mounted slow speed shredders, trommels, flip flow screens, sorting stations and material classifiers. Our range of mobile solutions effectively processes construction waste, separating the inert materials, wood, paper and plastics from clean sellable hardcore that can be used to provide a base for building and groundworks for roads and driveways.

A recent mobile recycling plant delivered by EDGE Innovate consisting of one track mounted trommel, a 4 bay semi-mobile picking station, over band magnets, eddy current, track mounted wind sifter and track mounted conveyor has allowed the client to increase production capacity by up to 44%. This particular set-up allowed the client to identify and extract up to six different types of materials including; trommel fines, clean sellable hard-core, wood, PETE (polyethylene terephthalate), LTPE (low density polyethylene), ferrous and non-ferrous metals and high grade Refuse Derived Fuel.



Due to the variable make up of construction and demolition waste it is vital for any processing solution to be highly adaptable. It is for this reason that each EDGE mobile product is completely customised to meet the operators exact requirements and are fitted with highly adjustable components such as differing screen media, screen angle, belt speeds, magnet height and location, cutting tools and so much more. Furthermore, as EDGE Innovate’s recycling range is entirely mobile, operators have supreme flexibility on how they are utilised and enables them to scale or adjust the plant to meet their changing requirements. Additional benefits include same day set up, ease of position and relocation as well having the ability to run an EDGE product independently or as an integral part of an existing process.

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