5 Simple methods to dispose of inert material with MB Crusher

The world of inert material recycling is evolving, always looking for the best answer to a single question: How to manage waste material.

Waste management has become a real priority for all operators, job sites, quarries and construction management.Pollution, noise and dust emissions are factors companies must take into consideration when dealing with waste management.They also need to choose the right equipment, by considering their cost, maintenance and transportation requirements.


MB Crusher patented crusher was the simplest solution.

It is now possible to complete a material recycling cycle directly on the job site with immediate results: cutting down transportation cost, pollution while growing in profit.

MB Crusher transforms any operated machinein a highly efficient material processing tool that recycles material that can be reintroduced in the next job or be sold for other applications.


With MB products, waste material becomes a revenue stream.




Crushing and screening on-site allow the job to be self-reliant and to eliminates hauling and dumping fees, even in large quarries.

In Saudi Arabia, for example, aBF135.8 Crusher bucket (that fits excavators with an operating weight above 94,800 lbs) and a MB-S18 Screening bucket (that fit excavators with an operating weight between 44,100 and 77,100 lbs) processed inert material that was then reutilized for the construction of the Riyadh metro system. The same company managed to extract the material, screen it, crush it and put it to new use. All of that in complete autonomy while extensively cutting costs.





All inert material processed with an MB Crusher unit is quality material: certified and guaranteed to bring profit to the operation.

As stated by a company in Northern Italy, “With the MB Crusher bucket, waste material is transformed from “scrap” to CE certified material. We tore down and built back up a number of reinforced concrete pigsties with grated flooring. We didn’t have any issues with rebar; the MB Crusher bucket was paired with an iron separator.The resulting crushed material was perfect for reuse right there on the job site.”





The “restored” crushed material can be used as fill on the job site, new construction and other projects. It can also be sold on the market. Both solutions bring tangible and measurable profit to the operation.

This was accomplished by a Swiss company, that used two MB Crusher products – a crusher bucket and a screening bucket – to create a complete recycling operation: volume reduction, material selection and reuse on-site.

“We wanted to find a system to lower our costs, allow us to reutilize inertmaterial, and becomemore competitiveall the while supplying our customers with the requested services. With MB, we can lower labor expenses, machine wear and consumption. All the while producing impeccable recycled material at a highly competitive price without interruptingthe operation. This wouldn’t be possible with any other solution.”





“In for the long haul” is also applicable to MB products. It’s an investment with a quick return, for a product that will last a lifetime.

For the past ten year, a BF120.4 Crusher buckethas been crushing dolomitic rockin a quarry 30 kilometers away from Lubiana: the very proud Slovenian company says that the most demanding maintenance intervention they have had, was replacing the belts. This was done on-site by the excavator operator, without hiring a specialized workshop or mechanic.





Processing material with MB Crusher products is easy, because it is all done safely from the excavators cabin. You pick up the material and crush or screen it directly into the transport truck or as fill in a trench. If the material is reinforced, no problem: after crushing it, you can separate the ferrous material with an Iron Separator located on the MB crusher or screener bucket. Always safely from the cabin.

Maintenance is quick and straightforward: you only need a simple wrench, no need for a specialized technician or stopping the operation altogether.

A Northern European company stated “we purchased the crusher bucket a few years ago and we used it on secondary site development projects: now on a similar job site, the BF90.3 allows us to crush demolition debris very easily; It is very versatile, it doesn’t have particular transportation requirements,  we can haul it on the same truck as the excavator. Once on the job site, installation is quick and simple; we are crushing in just a few moments”.

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